The Ballet Music Score of “Bernarda Albas House” is now online

Here you can listen to some excerpts of the stage music which have been composed by Michio in 2015 for the “Saarland State Theatre Ballet”

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”450″ iframe=”true” /]

Cooperativa Maura Morales zu Gast in Russland und Zypern

Im April und Juni ist die COOPEARTIVA MAURA MORALES auf zwei internationalen Tanzfestivals als Repräsentant Deutschlands vertreten:
Einmal  auf dem “SKORO German Dance” in St. Petersburg, sowie auf dem “19th Contemporary Dance Festival of Cyprus”.
Außerdem freuen wir uns, unsere jüngste Produktion “Stadt der Blinden” im Rahmen des diesjährigen Tanzkongresses in Hannover in der Commedia Futura/Theater-Eisfabrik präsentieren zu dürfen.

Foto: Klaus Handner

Maura Morales has been awarded the “Cultural Prize of the City of Dusseldorf”

Maura Morales has been awarded the “Cultural Prize of the City of Dusseldorf“in the category “Performing Arts”.

Foto: Klaus Handner

The COOPERATIVA MAURA MORALES would like to thank all friends, supporters, theaters and institutions for their confidence in our artisic visions and to all the fantastic artists we have/had the honor to work with!
Thank you also to the City of Düsselorf and to the Jury of the Kulturamt.