Both audience and press celebrate “Vom Verschwinden der Körper”

The sold-out premiere of “Vom Verschwinden der Körper” was celebrated frenetically by both the press and the audience in Graz.

For example, the Austrian Kronzenzeitung headlines “A powerful symphony of bodies” and writes about Michio Musik:

[…] The strongly rhythmic, driving music by Michio Woirgardt is an essential factor in turning this performance into a kind of body symphony that develops an immense pull and is impressively brought to the stage by the ensemble. to the full article ->

Standing ovations at the premiere of “In-Side Sense” at the FFT Düsseldorf

The audience and press were equally enthusiastic at the premiere of “In-Side Sense” at the sold-out FFT Düsseldorf.

[…] Woirgardt has customised his music much more directly to the dancers this time. He develops a sound that is sometimes reminiscent of Tales of Mystery and Imagination by The Alan Parsons Project, but also of the soundtracks of science fiction films […] The audience jumps out of their seats to frenetically celebrate another masterpiece from the pen of Cooperativa Maura Morales. And rightly so. Two more performances are planned for the weekend before the production goes on tour.” Michael Zerban for O-TON Kulturmagazin

Four days until the premiere of “In-Side Sense”, the new production by Cooperativa Maura Morales at FFT Düsseldorf

Folgendes sagt die Choreographin Maura Morales über den Entstehungsprozess:

“2 months of work with a team that likes challenges as much as I do, a group of tireless and generous artists. They save my optimism every day and give me back the feeling of amazement when I see what they do with all their being.
I invite you not to miss these artists on stage full of grace, talent, humility and precious souls.”

Michio composes the music for “Law of Ice”

I am looking forward to composing the music for the dance collage “Law of Ice” for all three choreographers Marie Gourdain, Ruben Reniers and Maura Morales as part of a three-week residency at Schloss Bröllin.

60 minutes of composing, arranging, recording, mixing and mastering music for three highly individual and different choreographers – and all that in 3 weeks! A challenging endeavour!

Rehearsals start for “In-Side Sense”

Rehearsals have started for “In-Side Sense”, the new production by Cooperativa Maura Morales. I’m looking forward to being involved in this production not only as a composer but also as a live musician. Here are a few impressions of the second week of rehearsals at the FFT in Düsseldorf

“Be fast, be flexible!” – Hotel room as a studio

As a composer and music producer for contemporary dance and ballet, you spend a lot of time on the road, outside your own music studio, and have to compose, arrange, record, mix and change music in every conceivable place in a very short space of time! Like in a hotel room, for example.

Here is a brief insight into the creation process of my composition for the contemporary dance piece “Being a Body, having a body – thematic touch” by Maura Morales for the Portuguese dance company “Intanzyt” in Famalicao/Portugal from May 2023

“Be fast, be flexible!” – My credo, if anyone should ask me what the most important skills in my profession are!